
I don't like this!

Petals on the ground.
 It rained a few days ago. I was worried about it. I thought the rain includes radiation and it gives us a bad effect. But I was relieved when I heard what Professor Yamashita said.  He came to Date city and spoke about radiation. He says rain cleans the air and washes away radiation on the ground. According to his speech, the radiation level now we have is very low and we don’t have to worry about it. It really eased my feeling.
I was feeling ok until I heard some stories from my husband last night.
One story is about a boy who evacuated with his family from Fukushima to Chiba Prefecture. The family asked an elementary school in Chiba to accept their son. The school asked the family if they want to tell everyone that they are from Fukushima or hide it. The family didn’t understand its meaning. But anyway, the son was introduced to the class and he found his seat was right in front of the teacher and nobody was taking the seats around him. He couldn’t stand it and moved back to Fukushima.
Another story is about cars. Every car has a number plate. It shows where it comes from. So people easily find cars from Fukushima. Some people write graffiti on the car from Fukushima. Some tell the driver to go away.
These stories made me feel down. Those people who had to evacuate did nothing wrong. They are victims. They lost their houses, family members and even their hometown. I was thinking that Japanese people can unite as one and go forth for recovery. But now I doubt it.
I can hear every day some famous people appear on TV and give messages to work together. They say “You are not alone. We will walk together.” Hey, is it true? Are you walking with people in Fukushima? Maybe only with people in Miyagi and Iwate, you mean?
We are not germs. Please don’t treat us like this.

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