
April 4th

Mr. Shunichi Yamashita, a professor at Nagasaki University, visited Fukushima and gave speeches about radiation. His speech is very easy to understand. He also gave us hope, while most of the media was giving us only dreadful facts.
He said:
  "In the area between 10 – 20km from the nuclear plant, those who have already been evacuated might have been exposed to about 1mSv of radiation. However, there is no difference between several micro-SV and 100mSV in terms of their effect in causing cancer.
  "It should also be noted that the effect of radiation of exposure, 100 times of 1mSv and 100mSv at a time, is very different. The people we should be worrying about in regards to radiation exposure are those working at the site of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. We need to think about how to secure their health.  Otherwise people do not need to worry about radiation exposure.
  "It is argued that the effect of low-level radiation exposure on health conditions cannot be demonstrated. However, 'no evidence of no effect', does not necessarily mean we should worry about the effect. It is understandable that people fear the radiation exposure because it is invisible, but radiation can be measured in scientific ways. That is, we have a means to prevent harm from radiation. We should not panic. I would ask you to behave in a rational manner as a member of the society."

But he also referred Fukushima as the third radiation exposed area in Japan following Nagasaki and Hiroshima. He encouraged us to be the symbol of the recovery from the radiation accident.

Tomorrow, some of us will talk with a professor and students in America on skype about the earthquake.
I heard they are now raising fund for Japan and making paper cranes. I hope it goes well.

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